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Monday, October 25, 2010

Speed Up Recovery From a Root Canal

At times, root canal recovery phase can be quite discomforting. This being said, here are some simple measures which can be initiated to speed up the recovery process.

* The patient must strictly, adhere to all the post treatment instructions given by the dentist. Any kind of deviation from the instructions could land the patient and the dentist both, in a highly discomfiting yet, avoidable situation.

* The dentist should try and perform the treatment, as thoroughly and in as aseptic an environment as possible, so as to minimize the possibility of any root canal problems.

* Sometimes, people tend to be in a hurry and hence, request the dentist to complete the root canal procedure in one sitting. However, the dentist should try and diagnose the case correctly, before doing the procedure in single sitting. Ideally, one sitting root canals are only recommended for long standing cases of necrosed pulps etc. Teeth that have an active infection should not be done in one sitting, as complete drainage of the pus takes time.

Thus, as explained above there are many different factors that influence the recovery period. However, provided the treatment is done properly and the post treatment instructions are followed religiously, one needn't worry too much about the recovery period.