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Friday, September 17, 2010

Dental Implants

Over 15 years ago I lost one of my teeth due to an unexplained decay of one of my roots. My dentist explained that sometimes the body attacks itself and that is why my root had decayed and had subsequently resulted in the necessity of removing my molar. So, after much drilling and poking and prodding and pressure as if my mouth were a construction site, my tooth was removing. I was told at that time that I should either get a bridge or a dental implant Pennsylvania. I thought that might be a good idea and that I should probaby do it, but then I heard the price tag. Needless to say, cheapskate that I am, I still have a gaping hole in my mouth and have learned to live without my tooth.

Being a cheapskate I finally got my implant 15 years later. I learned a great deal about the difference between a bridge and an implant and I can tell you that the difference is worth it. A bridge is less expensive, but you ruin 2 good teath on either side of your missing tooth and that seems counterproductive. And the pain that I had anticipated turned out to be minimal. I expected to be on vicodine for days, but, with minimal anti-inflamatories I recovered a few days later. In retrospect, I wish I had gotten the dental implant after the tooth was drilled when my insurance was willing to cover it.

So, the moral of the story is that if you have a missing tooth - get a dental impant. It looks and feels like a real tooth once the crown is put on and it leaves all your teath intact.