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Friday, August 13, 2010

Crown Lengthening Procedure

The procedure of crown lengthening is used to make a tooth appear longer by removing either gum tissue, bone, or both. Before the procedure even takes place you will need to have a consultation with your general dentist. This will allow your dentist to review medical history and x-rays, as well as set a date for surgery.

Do not let the word surgery scare you from this procedure either. Crown lengthening is a fairly common procedure that can be done with local anesthesia. Once a patient is numbed, a small incision will be made around the teeth that need crown lengthening. Next the extra gum tissue will be carefully pulled back from the tooth so that the supporting bone is exposed. This will allow access to the root of the teeth.

The gums position is then molded to form a better position on the tooth and perfectly shaped to make sure both sides are even and look the same. Once the gum has been peeled back and the dentist is sure enough of the tooth structure is revealed the area will be rinsed with sterile salt water and the flaps will be stitched back together.

After the crown lengthening procedure is performed teeth will look longer because the gums are now sitting at a lower level. Usually this procedure can be done in one visit, but will vary in time depending how many teeth need the surgery. To keep the swelling down after surgery ice can be applied to your face and in 7 to 10 day the sutures can be removed.